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A session working on key transitional moments and relationships between players. Use this session as a standalone activity, or combine it with two progressions to create a full session
This activation exercise is an easy way to get players on the ball quickly and actively making decisions.
Set up two grids side-by-side (roughly 12x12 to 15x15, depending on the age, ability and number of players), with two separate teams of equal numbers if possible. Use bibs to distinguish teams.
Send a ball into one team - the aim for them is to possess the ball as long as possible. The other team sends two defenders in to try to win the ball and transfer to their team. The purpose of this is so they don’t just kick the ball out and then get rewarded.
The only way the defending team can be awarded possession is if they transfer the ball or if the possessing team makes an error, causing loss of possession (e.g. bad pass or touch out of bounds).
To give the defending team another way to win a new ball, you can place two small counter-goals in each of the end corners for the defending team to score in. This will award their team a new ball.
If numbers are higher - let’s say two teams of seven - then add a defender and make it a 7v3. If you have even higher numbers, you could make three teams of equal numbers and the team that is off is the team that sends defenders in. Same rules apply.
Crisp, clean and quick touches are important. Ensure players are receiving on their back foot, with an open body and take a positive first touch in the direction of the next pass.
Ensure the middle players are moving to receive and communicating. Players on the outside cones should also be moving off the cones before receiving, as if losing a marker.
1. Start with two teams, each in their own half of the area
2. One team tries to retain possession while the other sends two defenders to win the ball back
3. If a defender wins the ball, they must transfer it to their team-mates in the other half of the area, and play continues
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We've been at the cutting edge of soccer coaching since we launched Soccer Coach Weekly in 2007, creating resources for the grassroots youth coach, following best practice from around the world and insights from the professional game.