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Health and Wellbeing

The health and wellness of female soccer players is paramount. In this section you'll learn all about issues surrounding the menstrual cycle, ACL and concussion prevalence in female players. We also speak to coaches about managing their own stress and mental wellbeing.

Featured Stories

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How to support staff through menopause

How to support staff through menopause

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Erica Suter Mulholland: Managing menopause and perimenopause

Erica Suter Mulholland: Managing menopause and perimenopause

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Walking football for menopausal women

Walking football for menopausal women

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How to build and maintain physical resilience

How to build and maintain physical resilience

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Eating disorder? Or disordered eating?

Eating disorder? Or disordered eating?

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Molly Bartrip's journey

Molly Bartrip's journey

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How disordered eating impacts female players

How disordered eating impacts female players

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Eight tips for having a tricky conversation about disordered eating

Eight tips for having a tricky conversation about disordered eating

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Women's Soccer Coaching Issue 52
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Managing menopause

Managing menopause

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How to support female soccer players with eating disorders

How to support female soccer players with eating disorders

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Eating disorders and elite female athletes

Eating disorders and elite female athletes

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Advice for training with endometriosis

Advice for training with endometriosis

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Endometriosis: a player's experience

Endometriosis: a player's experience

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7 tips for a healthy work-life balance

7 tips for a healthy work-life balance

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Lifting the stigma on mental health issues

Lifting the stigma on mental health issues

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Wellbeing: the art of listening and sharing

Wellbeing: the art of listening and sharing

Featured Coaches

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Tough at the top

Tough at the top

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Does coaching have a women problem?

Does coaching have a women problem?

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Mental skills training is in your job description'

Mental skills training is in your job description'

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Coaching, Covid and the ‘emotional tank’

Coaching, Covid and the ‘emotional tank’

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Top sleep tips to boost players' performances

Top sleep tips to boost players' performances

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Your players and their mental health

Your players and their mental health

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7 tips for coaches to manage wellbeing and mental health

7 tips for coaches to manage wellbeing and mental health

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Fuelling the female footballer

Fuelling the female footballer

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Part of Green Star Media Ltd. Company number: 3008779