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Players can now put what they have learned into practice in a game situation to cement understanding. By Man City RTC foundation phase lead Carl Wild
This practice allows players to see where and when during a game they will use this skill. It allows them to see its importance and what happens when you are successful. It will also enable them to experience scenarios and pictures they can then recall in a match.
The size of the pitch should be appropriate for the players. The only addition to a normal pitch is the two areas which are situated in the middle, while all re-starts come from the goalkeepers i.e. no throw-ins or corners.
Teams earn a point by scoring as in a normal game. However, they can earn an additional point if they pass through one of the central areas to a team-mate, or a team-mate drops into one of these areas to receive a pass (they must exit through a different side of the area to which the ball entered).
Players need to transfer what they have learnt in the previous practice into the game, creating space for the pass through one of the two central areas by stretching the opposition defence. In a game this is achieved through width and depth i.e. making the pitch big. The player on the ball needs to be ready to pass forward when the opportunity arises and the receiving player needs to remember not to go into the space until the pass is ‘on’.
The size and/or the position of the two areas can be altered. To make it more difficult, teams only get the bonus point of playing through one of the central areas if they go on and score a goal. Finally, the practice should progress into a condition-free game.
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