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A three-part session developing the ability to create and exploit space.
This positional rondo allows players to see the patterns and actions within a game. An 8v4 allows for appropriate and realistic pressure on the ball.
Keep the area size from the previous practice, removing the poles. Lay the area out in cones to allow for a quick transition between activities.
This rondo is played in three different rounds, each lasting four minutes.
In the first round, players have unlimited touches and are trying to switch the point of attack through the central players for a point. Outside players can’t play to each other. See progressions & adaptations for rounds two and three.
If the defenders win possession, they get one point; if they win possession and successfully dribble out of the square, they get two points. Switch defenders for each round.
In the second round, each player is only allowed to take two touches.
In the third round, play first to six points. Outside players only have one touch, central players have unlimited touches.
Positive first touch; look to break lines by playing through the middle.
Move off the ball to create separation from defenders.
Ensure an open body shape to be able to ’scan to plan’.
Outside players need to move along the boundaries to ensure they are creating good angles and passing lanes to progress the ball or maintain possession.
Set up with most Blues around the outside of the area, and two in the middle. Four Red defenders are also in the middle
Blues aim to play from one outside line to the other, via their central pair
Red defenders earn a point if they win the ball, and two points if they can dribble out of the area
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We've been at the cutting edge of soccer coaching since we launched Soccer Coach Weekly in 2007, creating resources for the grassroots youth coach, following best practice from around the world and insights from the professional game.