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Fun game based on hero who ‘stole from the rich to give to the poor’.
A fun game which helps young players develop dribbling, shooting and turning on the ball, as well as agility, balance, coordination and speed (ABCs). The game also involves communication and teamwork.
Mark out an area relative to the age and ability of your players. Place a mini goal on each side of the area and divide players into four teams. One team starts next to each goal. Place a number of balls in the middle of the area.
The first player from each team runs out to collect a ball (‘money’) from the middle of the area. They must dribble the ball back and score in their team’s goal (‘money bag’), before the next player on their team can go.
Once all the balls are gone from the middle, players can start stealing from other teams’ goals (or ‘stealing from the rich’). The team with the most balls in their goal at the end, wins.
Coaches can incorporate different challenges. For example, when players get to the balls in the middle, they could do 10 toe-taps or penguin-taps before taking the ball.
Players could also pass to a target player, rather than shooting into a goal, if more advanced.
Encourage players to try different turns when collecting the balls (e.g. Cruyff turn, drag-back, outside/inside hook, L turn etc). Players should have a burst of speed into space after turning with the ball and keep their heads up to avoid bumping into anyone.
Once players can steal from other teams, they should decide who is attacking and who is defending, and work as a team.
1. Place a mini goal on each side of the area, a number of balls in the middle and split players into four teams
2. First player from each team collects a ball and scores in their team’s goal
3. When all balls are gone from the middle, players can steal from other teams’ goals and score in their own
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