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Rotating players around stations – which could all follow a theme – can solve many a problem. Steph Fairbairn makes like a Stegosaurus to explain more.
A carousel session involves groups of players rotating around a number of different practices or stations.
There are a number of reasons why you might choose to run a session in the carousel format...
At some of my sessions this season, we’ve had 30 players in the care of three coaches. Trying to run an impactful session with that number in one group is pretty much impossible.
Splitting them up and rotating them around three different activities allows for much more coaching to take place. The activities are on the same topic, allowing players to solidify their learning on a theme in different ways.
If it’s Easter, Hallowe’en, Christmas or any other religious or cultural festival, you might want your players to experience a fun, themed session.
Last Hallowe’en, we got three teams together to run a giant carousel session. I ran the ’Dinosaur Appreciation Society’ on one station, while other coaches led other spooky activities – players practised all sorts of soccer skills, captured under the umbrella of Hallowe’en.
Besides giving players a fun evening, the Hallowe’en carousel session also gave my players a chance to get to know those in other age groups, and to meet other coaches and experience different coaching styles.
Whether you use this tactic at the start of the season, or at various points throughout the season, it’s a great way to get various teams, or even the whole club, together.
Whether running one for fun, practicality, or just a change, carousel sessions can be beneficial for players and coaches alike. Just make sure you’ve done the planning beforehand!
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